(Please note this is a translated post from the Spanish version… and that 28th December is in Spain equivalent to April Fools’ Day, so this news was just a joke)
Although this finding has little more than 12 hours (it appeared yesterday in some Chinese media), it has not taken too long to spread through the US specialized media. Among others, ArsTechnica, Bruce Schenier, Wired or Dan Kaminsky have brief reviews commenting the recent findings made by Lian Li and Huan Chen, Chinese researchers from Peking University.
Apparently, all began at the end of 2013, while Li and Chen were performing forensic analysis on three compromised computers. Analyzing different Adobe update packages stored in the computers (suspected to be a vector for infection), they detected that all of them had a similar structure: the update package and an encrypted data block C1 that could vary from 65536 bytes to several MBs.