Targeted Attack Analysis – Mirage

Between the 25th and the 27th of November, some public institutions in Europe were affected by a wave of targeted attacks (TAs). These attacks, which were made through e-mail, were very interesting: they made use of an infrastructure which had already been used in the past, in other malware campaigns.

As in most of these attacks, the infection vector was a spearphishing campaign. The e-mail messages had a MS Word document attached to them, and this document contained an embedded exploit that takes advantage of a vulnerability which has been known since 2012, more specifically, CVE-2012-0158.

The domain in the “FROM” field of the e-mails belongs to one of the most well-known humanitarian organizations, which made the e-mail messages look completely reliable.

The subjects in the different e-mails made reference to dates close to those of the attacks, except for one of them, which advertised the “Top 10 Cities with the Most Beautiful Women”… quite appealing.

Fw: 2013-11-27
Fw: Top 10 Cities with the Most Beautiful Women
RV: Teheran 2013-11-25

The same references appeared in the names of the attached files.

Top 10 Cities with the Most Beautiful Women.doc

Thanks to the existing patching and updating policies, the attack’s impact was null: the MS Word document took advantage of an old vulnerability that affects ActiveX controls and allows remote code execution, butthis vulnerability had already been patched in April 2012.

Alter calculating the hash function for each file, it became obvious that we were dealing with only two different documents.


After checking these MD5 at Virustotal, we could see that someone had already uploaded them before. Therefore, from that moment onwards, the samples were processed as public information.

I will now briefly break down the analysis. This is not a complete analysis of the samples. I will only show the useful information that we have used to solve the incident.

The following files were dropped after the execution of each of the two documents.

I have highlighted in red the files that were considered malicious by Even if these files share their names, their hashes are not equal. We will see why later on.

Even though, cross-referencing these with previous tables, some identical files can be found.

The reception of the different e-mails in such a tight time window, together with the download of some identical files when opening the document indicate that probably both attacks are related.

If you want to take an in-depth look at the analyses, you can find them in the following links at
1598f39b5d670eb0149141df7bbcc483 @
60fd6b6bcf73586284ab8c403c043c6e @

After executing the files in a cuckoo box and infecting a virtual machine by manually executing the files named “kav.exe”, we were able to see that each one of the samples would connect to a different domain: 

This explains why, even if the behavior is equal in both files, the MD5 signature is different for each of them.

In addition, thanks to some information received from external sources, the following domain can also be added to thislist:

When requesting one of these domains, we always have the same response:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2013 15:23:45 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 362
X-Cache: MISS from ta-prx21
X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from ta-prx21:3128
Via: 1.0 ta-prx21 (squid/3.1.20)
Connection: keep-alive

...U.n.d.e.r. .C.o.n.s.t.r.u.c.t.i.o.n.<./.s.p.a.n.>.<./.d.i.v.>.

By accessing the domain through an outdated browser, we cannot see any kind of odd behavior and we obtain the expected response:

With all these data, the hypothesis of everything being part of the same attack is reinforced.


By doing whois to the domains, the following email addresses and domain name registers appeared:


All the domains, as well as the e-mail addresses of the domain registers, point to China, as it can be seen in this list of e-mails related to TAs originated in China.

A quick search on Google about de involved e-mailsis enough to see that the address dnsjacks[at]yahoo[dot]com is related to a Mirage campaign originating from China.

Analyzing the requests that appeared in the Mirage campaign and comparing them with the ones found in the attack, we can find some similarities.

Imageextracted from
Request from one of oursamples.
At first glance, we can see that they use the same fields (“hl” and “meta”). If we add another of the requests from the campaign analyzed Secureworks, the “q” field also appears:

Image extracted from
Here is an image which summarizes the investigation related to the attribution:

Based on the data obtained during the investigation, we can conclude that the attack came from China.

In addition, if we analyze the receivers of the e-mails, we can see that this attack didn’t have only one target, but rather that several public institutions in Europe were targeted.

The fact that an infrastructure from the past was being used, together with the sending of e-mails with a lot of receivers and the nature of Mirage malware, allows us to conclude that this was not a stealthy attack.This makes us think that this attack was just an attempt to steal very specific information (probably financial information) in a quick way.

This kind of attack is quite common in public institutions and it is very common to use spearphising as the infection vector. The use of trusted domains such as a well-known humanitarian organization makes this e-mail seem legit,which turns its detection into a very hard task.

Either way, the prevention of these attacks is usually simple and it comes hand in hand with a quick implementation of the software updates and security patches. This is because most of these attacks do not use 0days, but, instead, they use well-known vulnerabilities which are already patched. For example, in this case, they were using a vulnerability that was more than one year old.

In order to detect if your organization has been affected by this wave of TAs, just search for the domains listed above in the navigation logs.

I hope this article has been useful or that, at least, it has been interesting to read.

Web reputation checking in incident handling

Sometimes when we have an incident, it involves too many domains to check them by hand. In order to deal with them and discriminate as a first instance, I’ve developed a small script that checks the reputation of each domain using the API of Web of Trust.

Web of Trust is a service used to mark websites depending on their reputation. Reputation is based in different factors. One of them depends on malware presence, but there are some others, such as a rating based in the users’ votes.

One thing that I really like about the WoT API is that it returns different codes according to the reason why a website’s reputation is bad, i.e. if the reason of the bad reputation is that the website contains adult material, WoT API will return the code 401, and if it contains malware, WoT API will return 101. This is very good to handle some incidents because, in most cases, if a domain has a bad reputation because it is an adult website, and for that reason only, in a first examination, we would leave it as a legit domain.

In order to use this script you just need to register in the WoT, get an API key, and introduce it in the line:


You can find the script in my github repo.

Finally, let’s try the script. First, we’ll need a file with the list of domains we want to check. In the example we will use a file that I called domains.txt and that contains the following domains:

In order to run the script, we just need to feed it with a file containing the domain list to be checked:

xgusix@ender:~$ python domains.txt 
	Trustworthiness: Excellent [59]
	Child safety: Very Poor [53]
	[*] Categories:
		[403] Questionable Gruesome or shocking [14]
		[401] Negative Adult content [73]
		[501] Positive Good site [59]
	Trustworthiness: Good [7]
	[*] Categories:
		[501] Positive Good site [7]
	Trustworthiness: Very Poor [12]
	[*] Categories:
		[101] Negative Malware or viruses [30]

As you can see, in the beginning of the investigation, we can discard and, as they are labeled as “Good site”, and its trustworthiness is at least Good. is not labeled, so we should have to go further on the investigation. In the last case,, it’s already labeled as a malicious domain, “Malware or viruses”, so it would be a good starting point for the investigation.

Right now, the script shows all the results, but with a very simple modification you can add some logic into it and automate the process a bit more. I am also planning to add more reputation engines to the script. With more sources, the initial discrimination will be more accurate and save time in the incident handling process.

Any feedback or comments are welcome.

Metadata: spanking clean

In the wake of all the uproar that there are these days around the metadata in Spain, I have been reviewing various tools of PDF metadata deletion. In principle, the tools analyzed work on GNU/Linux systems, but that does not mean that some may not work on other systems.

I started from a PDF created by myself. As you can see in the following image, it contains metadata (screenshot in Spanish, but I guess you get the idea):


[Read more…]

Reversing challenge

Today’s post is a challenge for reverse engineering lovers.

To play, download this binary. It’s a Windows 32-bit PE executable containing a serial number validation algorithm:

Serial numbers are 16 numeric digits, taking values from 0 to 9 each. The goal of the challenge is to obtain a valid serial number without modifying the binary (i.e. to obtain second output from screenshot without manipulating the program — just by reversing the validation mechanism).

Hope you enjoy the challenge. See you!

Useful links:

Snort’s Reputation Preprocessor

Snort’s reputation preprocessor is not something new; in fact, it appeared in August 2011 in version 2.9.1. Up to that moment, the only way to manage blacklists was to create a rule with the list of IP addresses blacklisted, such as BotCC rules (emerging-botcc.rules).

alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] any (msg:"ET CNC Shadowserver Reported CnC Server TCP (group 1)"; flags:S; 
reference:url,; reference:url,; 
threshold: type limit, track by_src, seconds 3600, count 1; classtype:trojan-activity; 
flowbits:set,ET.Evil; flowbits:set,ET.BotccIP; sid:2404000; rev:3259;)

However, this method has a length restriction and you end up with tens of backlisted IP rules with names such as “ET CNC Shadowserver Reported CnC Server UDP (group 49)” or “ET COMPROMISED Known Compromised or Hostile Host Traffic UDP (group 43)”.

However, that’s not the main problem of this method: the main issue is performance. Taking into account that they are detection rules, packet processing is much more expensive and global performance worsens. When packet throughput is very high and there are many blacklist entries such as Shadowserver,, Malwaredomains… and our own lists, Snort performance becomes a problem and it is necessary to find a better way to manage blacklists. Then it’s time to use this preprocessor.

[Read more…]

Plaintext passwords with Procdump and Mimikatz Alpha

In this post I would like to talk about a technique that I read this summer and had not been able to practice until recently in a penetration test.

The technique involves obtaining passwords in clear text from a server without running “malicious” code in it. In this way we avoid having to deal with antivirus evasion techniques and other headaches.

Tools required:

To know what Mimikatz does I recommend @mmorenog’s post that describes its purpose and operation. In summary, Mimikatz “attacks” the lsass process and takes advantage of a type of reversible encryption that Windows implements to obtain plaintext passwords.

On the other hand, Procdump is a tool developed by Mark Russinovich that will allow us to dump the memory space of a process to a file.

[Read more…]


Two days ago, I had an e-mail in my inbox with this link. It seemed to be something serious, especially coming from Dragos Ruiu (@dragosr), the creator of the pwn2own contest, as he doesn’t need this kind of thing in order to be famous or make a name for himself. After reading it, I was a little bit scared.

As there isn’t a lot of information or an “official” report about this, I will give you some facts about his research and his findings:

    • He found a malware that infects hardware.
    • He found it installed in some laptops with Windows systems installed, but it proved to be somehow platform independent as it can infect a BSD system and OSx is not immune.
    • It reflashes the system BIOS, and it is resilient: even after flashing the BIOS with a legit firmware, it will still be there. This forces the researcher to use a new machine for each test.
    • It uses communication via SDR (Sotftware Defined Radio) to bridge air gaps (computers out of the network). It works even if the wireless and Bluetooth cards are physically removed.




    • It reflashes all USB drives plugged into an infected system, including external USB CD drives. It doesn’t affect the files in the USB, it directly infects the firmware.
    • Just plugging an infected memory stick in a clean system will infect it… without even needing to mount it!

      “I didn’t even mount the volume and it was infected.”



    • In infected Windows systems, some extra .ttf and .fon files appear – three of them (meiryo, meiryob, and malgunnb) have a size that is bigger than expected.
    • When trying to extract those files, they disappear from the burnt CD.




  • A list of the md5 of files was uploaded to this link.

Right now, I don’t know if this could be maximum trolling, or not. I personally don’t think Dragos would play with his reputation like this. If we are facing a new kind of threat, we will need to be prepared for it.

What’s worse, until today there’s no clue of what the malware purpose is. I’ll try to keep you posted, and I highly recommend you to follow @dragosr and the hashtag #badBIOS on twitter in order to be updated about this topic.

[NOTE] If you are interested in a sample, keep an eye on @xylit0l posted this in

Re: New Bios Malware
 by Xylitol » Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:23 pm
Talked to r00tbsd over irc, he have an image of the infected bios but got no time 
for the moment to add it on



YARA 101

What is YARA?

When speaking about malware detection, there are mainly three ways of determining if a file is malicious: signatures, heuristics and string signatures.

The most widespread in the antivirus detection systems is the signature based detection, i.e. based in the HASH of a file, check it against a signature database and see if this file has previously been detected as malware. This kind of signature is useless for the detection of unknown malware, and to evade this system you just need to recompile the code in a different system or change a single bit.

In order to try to stop these evasion methods, the heuristic method is usually the chosen one. This method relies on the behaviour of the executable file and, according to the actions that it performs inside the system, it decides if it’s dealing with a malicious file. The main issue of this method is that, as many legit programs perform suspicious actions, it can generate a big amount of false positives.

Last but not least, there is the method which this article refers to: string signatures. This method is based in another kind of signatures, different from the aforementioned kind. Instead of using HASH signatures, it uses text or binary strings that uniquely identify a malware sample. That way, even if the file has been tampered with, if it still contains those string signatures, the analysts will be able to detect and classify the malware sample.

[Read more…]

Introduction to identification methods

Many things have changed in the Internet security in the last 10 years. Others have remained, however, with no change at all, like user identification by means of alphanumerical passwords. Nowadays, these passwords are still the most popular way of user authentication. Indeed, different studies show that 97% of the organizations use them. Despite its widely spread usage, the identification using alphanumerical passwords has some highlighted disadvantages: they are frequently forgotten and can be easily stolen.

Failures in user authentication can cause technical problems in addition to economic cost. In 2007 the losses due to phishing (user identity impersonation/theft) amounted to $3.2 billion. For all these reasons, research in alternative methods for user identification has come up. New designed methods try to avoid current problems of alphanumerical passwords in order to make the systems more secure in identification terms.

An alternative method for identification, based on passwords as well, is the use of graphical or audio passwords. In those, the user must recognize a set of images or sounds among the presented ones (recognizing methods). Click-based methods are another option for graphical (or audio) password. The user must click on some specific points previously selected of the image or audio track to get access to the system. Different alternatives based on the use of tokens have been recently presented as well. These are systems where the user possesses a personal device like a smart card with PIN, an USB memory with passwords, and so on.

Although some of the abovementioned methods are already used in some programs and applications, the alternative methods that are becoming more popular are the ones that use some user’s biometric to perform the identification. Biometrics is the science of recognizing a person by their personal features. There exist two main types: physical biometrics —the ones that refer to a physiological feature of the person— and behavioral biometrics —features related to the behavior of the user—.

There are several physical features that can be used to characterize a user. Among the most common ones we can find the fingerprint, the palmprint o palm-geometry, the face recognition and the iris recognition. On the other hand, the behavioral biometrics most frequently used for identification are: speech analysis, keystroke pattern, signature recognition and haptic pattern (movement/interaction with object).

The user authentication by means of biometrics has reached a good level of performance in the last few years, allowing its application in several systems. This improvement is due to the development of new biometric data acquisition devices along with the design of new algorithms for feature extraction and recognition.

The main reason for the popularity of the identification by biometrics is that copying them is very difficult, almost impossible. This, however, is also a drawback. In case they were copied, the fake user would have a lot of privileged information about the real user. This makes some users be reluctant of using biometrics for internet identification, as they are also used by many official organisms.

In spite of the large amount of alternative methods for identification designed in the last few years, none of them have shown to be superior, in general terms, to the so extended alphanumerical passwords. On the one hand, for accuracy reasons, and on the other hand for their usability and cost.

This has prompted the design of two-factor authentication methods, trying to solve the drawbacks associated to the different methods by combining two of them. The most popular two-factor method uses a user’s biometric in addition to an alphanumerical password. In this way, just copying the password or emulation the user’s biometric will not grant the fake user the access to the system.
Nonetheless, we cannot fully rely on these advanced methods. A more secure way of recognizing the users has prompted new advanced impersonation methods. Some examples are the MiTM (Man-in-the-middle) attacks or the Trojans attacks that instead of working in the identification phase, work on the phase were the data are sent. In this way, attackers obtain access to the system without impersonating the real user.

Thus, a more complex and secure method of authentication may only grant the security of the system for a period of time. Like in almost all security-related areas, the path of identification methods is a two-way road.

Uncle Sam

Snowden, PRISM, NSA… words, or buzzwords, that we’re used to listen in the media, specially during the last months. You know: when talking about technology, spying -of course, using “cyber” prefix- and some acronyms to get a slot in prime time :) I didn’t want to write about sensationalism, but at the end I could not resist: during holidays you have too spare time to read newspapers :)

Really, I don’t know where the news are… It’s a fact that USA, by NSA and other agencies, is spying us as much as they can… just like is a fact that dogs do bark. Yes, and? I have never understood the big surprise that everybody claims where talking about USA spying. Where is the surprise? Is really surprising that a country which a big technological capability uses it for its own good? Guys, I think in this world nobody is a charity nun… The problem is that here, in Spain, we don’t have a similar capability -and honestly, I don’t think we’ll be able to have one in short term-: we can snoop Tuenti :( And this is a big problem or, really, two big problems. The first one is that we rely on a third party to get information -information that is to be processed to get intelligence; yes, and the third party is obviously USA (what would you think, it was Andorra?) that today is our friend but tomorrow can be less friendly o, simply, cat have some interests that isn’t ours… And the second problem is that we are all vulnerable: in other words, we have to live with the fact that USA spy us when and how they want, and obviously this fact gives them an enviable advantage over us in any field. Spain is doubting about giving support to USA in, lets say, a military occupation of ACMECity? No problem: just before talking to us, US officials know all our points and can use this knowledge to convince us, in the best way, to get our support in almost anything… This is a problem for Spain, isn’t it? And worse: if we disagree we can unplug everything and go to plant potatoes, of course not using Microsoft products, not searching by Google, not sending information across Cisco routers and, finally, not touching anything that smells like American. Or much better, replacing the technology with Huawei and things like that… in this way we can involve in the spying game other countries that, of course, will respect our individual privacy and our global interests as a Nation… you know, don’t you? :)

IMHO the problem is not the fact that USA spy us to protect their interests: we can agree or we can’t, and lawyers, politicians, journalists… can talk for hours about ethics, international laws, privacy and things like that. But, being realistic, USA is doing the same that any country that can do that. It’s just so simple, and we, as I said before, can’t do that because we don’t have the required capabilities… If we had them, I hope we could do the same: to spy other countries. The real problem is a misuse of the information they get. A Service getting information to benefit its country (understanding “country” as government, companies, citizens…) is understandable, in spite of the fact that this can be bad for us, but if a Service do the same to defend the interests of an individual company, a particular or, worst, a politic party, this is, actors that can not be identified with a whole country, we are in front of a big and unjustified misuse of the information, IMHO. What did USA? I don’t know (somebody reading this who has more information about?) If USA is using the information for those particular interests, I don’t agree with them; if they use the information to defend their national interests or to get benefits over other countries, it’s OK for me. What do we complain about? About the fact that they *can* do that and we can’t? Let’s see, we are all in the security world and we all know that the war is harder than privacy laws, IT governance, compliance and so on. What we do think, that Google is giving us GMail in a free way, getting Gigabytes of free space to hold our mail? Gigabuytes, by the way, that as someone said, can only be stored in a SAN, a NAS or a NSA… :)

Now, the one million question: there is any light at the end of the tunnel? I think so, in spite that it’s only a single LED. Let’s assume that USA is spying us in its own benefit… what can we do? Two things, IMHO: to try to let them do it as less as possible -or to get more difficult to do- and to try that only USA spies us. In this blog we have said it before: let’s use national technology and services always that we can -and let’s make an effort to do it, because many times the comfortable way is to do just the opposite. And let’s use them always we are handling classified information. We can always find Spanish quality services, in almost any field I think… I doubt only when talking about products, in specific cases. In those cases, when we can’t use national technology, let’s use open technologies. And if we neither can use them, and we have to use products from other countries, let’s choose from countries that (at least today) are strategically close to us or that have interests as similar as possible with Spanish ones. In other words, I prefer to use Linksys just before of Huawei or Twitter before Weibo: as someone is going to spy to me, let’s USA to do it… they would do in any way… :)